"I didn't survive, I prepared."
Nelson Mandela
You could argue that I've been in training for this all of my life...
I was born in Liverpool in 1972 into a good family. Dad worked in a bank, Mum ran her own business. By the age of 10 I had my first taste of leadership, being promoted to "sixer" in the Cub Scouts..

Leadership at 10 yrs old (!)

Christian Brothers values & ethics
I was destined for University and moved to the City of Leicester to study and have fun. Three years later I came away with an honours degree in Marketing. Little did I know how valuable that would become in later life...in helping me attract and locate highly motivated sellers.

First job outbound telesales
Call centre's taught me resilience
My ambition took me to London, where I spend 7 years in the city in running Marketing campaigns for Network Rail.
This gave me responsibility for managing people, and big budgets, but something was missing...

First HMO in 2003
Whilst I loved the challenge and responsibility of middle management in a blue chip company, I quick realised that property was my passion, and so in 2004 I set up my own business, sourcing land for developers
I attended a secondary school run by Christian Brothers. Standards were high, and the values of hard work and respect for others were instilled into me. The teachers noted in my end of year report that I "got on with everybody". I wasn't gifted, but worked hard and came away with 13 GCSE's and 4 A Levels (Classical Languages)

BA (Hons) Marketing
I graduated in 1993 at a time when good graduate jobs were at a premium. So my first experience of working life was outbound telesales in a call centre. Once again little did I know that the training in building rapport with customers, building up resilience to rejection was the ideal foundation for the negotiations I have with vendors to this day

Middle management in London
At this time, my father, who owned and managed HMOs in Liverpool, was advising me at in needed to get started in property. And so, in 2003 I bought my first HMO in Liverpool ( that's it on the left) and my property journey began...

Working with developers...

Early mentors Parmdeep & Hanif
I'm still a firm believer in education and learning from the best, so I'm proud to be a part of the Progressive Property Community
In 2008, the credit crunch hit, banks stopped lending, developers stopped developing and I needed a new business...fast. I came across a two guys from the midlands, Parmdeep Vadesha and Hanif Khan who changed my life. They introduced me to the concept of motivated sellers and securing property BMV (Below Market Value). It is in this area, where I have developed expertise.